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Before you Leave for Study Abroad

All students planning to participate in a study abroad program must attend an Outgoing Orientation sponsored by the ODIEP. Orientation is held approximately one month before the end of the semester preceding exchange.

The purpose of the Outgoing Orientation is to inform students about study abroad through UWF, about the particular program in which they will participate, and some of the issues that may arise as you encounter a new cultural experience.

In addition, the Outgoing Orientation will cover how the study abroad program operates, what students need to do to prepare to go abroad, what is expected of them in terms of academic engagement, and how best to represent themselves as Americans abroad. We will provide a pre-departure checklist, program dates and other specific arrangements. Also, we will discuss safety precautions that all international travelers should know about. Parents are welcome to attend these meetings. Outgoing Orientation also provides students the opportunity to meet other students who will be studying abroad during the same term.

In addition to Outgoing Orientation, all students going abroad regardless of destination or financial aid status must meet with Financial Aid to discuss any questions about release of aid or additional scholarships that may be available.

University of West Florida UWF International Programs - Study Abroad